South West Water - Weedingtech

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How using Foamstream as an all-round solution to solve weed, moss and algae issues on waste-water filter beds can lead to cost reductions for water companies.

  • Client: South West Water, Devon
  • Background: South West Water provide reliable, efficient and high-quality drinking water and waste water services throughout Cornwall and Devon and in small areas of Dorset and Somerset for a population of c. 1.7 million. It employs over 1300 people.
  • Machine Type: MW-Series
  • Areas treated: Percolating filter beds, hard surfaces, walkways,
  • Previous methods used: Hand weeding
  • Filter bed performance is compromised when moss growth is prevalent.
  • Controlling weeds via hand weeding is costly on time and labour and was proving ineffective.
  • Unwanted vegetation growth has negative effects on asset life-span.
  • Essential to have a solution suitable for use around people and waterways.
How we helped

Foamstream allowed South West Water to move away from costly, time consuming manual labour practices which were traditionally the way to manage unwanted vegetation growth on the percolating and de-nitrifying filter beds.

By reducing the amount of time needed to treat the filter beds, operators were able to spend more time on other parts of the process.

It was a critical consideration to have an environmentally friendly and sustainable solution when working with the water course, Foamstream fitted this requirement perfectly and allowed the operators to easily and simply treat the filter beds on site.

Foamstream was also used to treat moss and algae around site walkways and on surfaces to help reduce slip and trip risks to employees and visiting personal.

Overall, Foamstream helped reduce costs for South West Water through better allocation of labour, time and reducing the number of times each site needed to be treated.

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Treatment of weeds on a filter bed

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