Burwash Primary School - Weedingtech

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Using Foamstream over alternative herbicide-free methods to save 70% on the annual cost of treating unwanted vegetation.

  • Client: Burwash Primary School through John O’Conner Grounds Maintenance, UK
  • Background: Primary school in Tunbridge Wells.
  • No of machines: 1 MW-Series.
  • Areas treated: Boundary fences, paths, steps, playground, building edges.
  • Previous methods used: Traditional herbicides.


  • New regulations meant that contractors needed to take more responsibility around reducing use of herbicides in public spaces.
  • Parents have growing concerns around the use of pesticides around their children
  • Needed a solution safe for use around people, including children.

How we helped

Foamstream helped John O’Conner replace the use of traditional herbicides for controlling unwanted vegetation around the boundaries and grounds of Burwash Primary School.

Foamstream was the best method of choice when tested against other alternatives in a bid to move away from a reliance on herbicides led by new regulations around use of pesticides in public places.

Foamstream was tested against citric acid/vinegar, hand weeding and strimming and came out as the overriding winner.

Not only did it create cost savings of up to 70% over the course of the weeding season due to its efficacy compared with the other methods used, making it the best commercially-viable choice, it also fulfilled the requirement by John O’Conner and West Sussex Council for an environmentally friendly solution which was safe to use around adults and children and posed no health and safety risk to by-standers or operators.

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Read more about how Foamstream helped Burwash Primary School

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